Site design and build: Nick Cooke
Melton and Oakham Waterways Society
Registered charity number: 1078752
The picture (left) shows the original Junction Bridge which was replaced with the concrete
bridge that was familiar to us until the middle of October 2012. It had no navigable
headroom. The lack of headroom to navigate any but the smallest boats was one problem.
The other was that access to the bridge was by flights of steps making it impossible for
wheelchair users.
In the background of the photograph to the left you can see the Isolation Hospital at Old
Junction, Syston. This was sited at a later date where the brick building appears in the
first photograph.
Replacement of the Bridge
The artists impression to the right, drawn by Brian Hollingshead, shows our idea of a
replacement bridge. It could be made of wood, with ramped access both ends. This will
be a fitting gateway to our river.
This project was ear-marked for 2012 so, as planning permission was sought, MOWS
worked closely with Sustrans to ensure our ideas were incorporated into the design.
The actual building of the bridge started in the middle of October 2012
An update on the latest news can be found on the next page.
Junction Bridge